Diversified Portfolio
Receive a carefully curated portfolio of 15 to 20 stocks every month, offering a well-balanced mix that includes:
- Short-Term Momentum Picks: These are stocks identified for their potential to deliver quick gains within a short period. We select these stocks based on current market trends, events, and technical analysis that suggest a rapid price increase.
- Swing Trades: Swing trades involve holding stocks for a few days to weeks to capitalize on expected upward market movements. These trades are based on Technical analysis to identify profitable entry and exit points.
- Positional Calls: Positional calls are investments in stocks with a holding period ranging from a few weeks to several months. These are chosen based on medium-term market outlooks and are aimed at capturing significant price movements.
- Long-Term Holdings: These are stocks selected for their strong fundamentals and growth potential over an extended period, typically years. Long-term holdings are meant to build a solid foundation for your investment portfolio, focusing on companies with robust business models and sustainable growth prospects.